How to check your Web Browser version?
Follow the below instructions to find your browser version.
How to check your Google Chrome version number?
- Open your Google Chrome.
- Click on the three dots Menu icon in the upper right corner of the browser.
- Then place the mouse pointer over Help >> About Google Chrome.
- The window that opens displays current your Google Chrome browser version number at the top.
How to check your Mozilla Firefox version number?
- Open the Firefox browser
- Click on the hamburger menu icon (Three Line Menu Icon / Navicon) at the top right corner of the browser or alternatively press the “Alt” key from your keyboard.
- Then select “Help” >> “About Firefox“.
- The new window that opens displays the Firefox current version number.
How to check your Microsoft Edge version number?
- Open the Microsoft Edge browser.
- Now, click on the horizontal three dots icon (Settings and more) at the upper right corner of the browser or press the “Alt+F” key from your keyboard.
- Then place the mouse cursor over Help & Feedback >> select About Microsoft Edge on the left side menu.
- The window that opens displays current your Microsoft Edge browser version number there.
How to check your Opera version number?
- Open the Opera browser.
- Click on the Opera icon at the top left corner of the browser.
- Then place the mouse pointer over Help >> select About Opera on the right side menu.
- The window that opens displays the current Opera browser version number there.
How to check your Safari version number?
- Open the Safari browser.
- Click on the Safari at the top left corner of the browser menu.
- Then Select About Safari from appeared drop-down menu
- The window that opens displays current your Safari browser version number there.